Upload logo

The following instructions explain how you can upload your company logo to Logistiqo and display it on the PDF forms.

Wichtig: The logo can only be uploaded as an administrator.

  1. Go to “System>Upload Logo” in the menu.
  2. Click on the “Select Logo” button to select the desired logo on your local computer. The formats .png, .jpg and .gif can be selected. The logo file must not be larger than 4 MB.
  3. After you have selected the logo from your computer, click on “Upload” in Logistiqo. The logo is now displayed in Logistiqo.
  4. To then insert the logo on the forms, click the button. Under the button you can see a preview of the forms with the position of the logo. The logo is now printed out on all forms at the position.

If you want to use different logos for the stationery and the program or the menu bar, proceed as follows: First upload the logo for the forms and click on “Generate background for forms”. Then upload the logo for the menu bar again.

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