The following instructions explain how you can export invoices from Logistiqo to your financial accounting or tax advisor. The instructions apply to debtors and creditors.
- Go to “Accounting>Debtors>Invoice export” in the menu.
- Here you select the invoices to be exported (e.g. from a specific period). To do this, hold down Ctrl or Shift on the keyboard and then click on the required invoices. Alternatively, select all invoices at once by clicking “Select All” at the top of the table.
- In the “Posting format” tab, choose whether you want to use “DATEV ASCII”, “Lexware car account”, “PDFs>zip” (all invoices as individual PDFs in a zip file) or “PDFs>pdf” (all invoices in one pdf file.) and click on “Next”.
- Click on “Next” in the “Posting format” tab, in the “Field selection” tab and in the “Settings” tab. You usually do not have to change anything in the settings, since the settings are already preconfigured.
- Then click on “Export” in the “Export” tab.
- Click on “Open file”. The file (.csv) that you then download can then be sent to the tax office.
- Then click on “Update export status”. As a result, the invoices are marked as “Exported” and are no longer displayed in the invoices (in the menu under “Accounting>Debtors>Invoices”). However, the invoices can still be called up at any time using the filter function.
As described above, you can also export your incoming invoices. To do this, unlike in step 1, go to “Accounting>Creditors>Invoice Export” in the menu and then follow the description above from section 2.