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  3. Upload documents and automatically assign them to shipments

Upload documents and automatically assign them to shipments

So that you do not have to upload documents (e.g. delivery papers) individually to the respective shipment, there is the “Document batch” function in the logistics software Logistiqo. The program works as follows:

  1. Print the order dossier for the respective shipment under “Print>Order dossier” or to print several order dossiers, click on “Print> Order dossiers max. 60”.
    The order dossier contains a barcode that can be used to assign the relevant documents to the shipment.
  2. After you have printed several order dossiers, take the order dossier as a cover sheet and put all the associated documents behind it. Then the next order dossier and the associated documents, etc.
    So a stack: Order Dossier 1 – Documents to 1 – Order Dossier 2 – Documents to 2 – Order Dossier 3 – Documents to 3 – …
  3. Scan the batch with your scanner as a PDF file and save the file to a location you can find on your local computer.
  4. Go to “More> Document batch” in the menu.
  5. Click on “Choose” and search and select the scanned PDF file.
  6. Click on “Upload” in the program.
  7. If desired, select a document type for the uploaded documents.
  8. Click on “Assign to shipments”. The PDF file is now uploaded and devided before each order dossier, and the documents are assigned to each shipment. The process may take some time.

IMPORTANT: If no readable barcode is recognized on the first scanned page of the document stack, the program aborts the scanning process for this document stack.

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